Category: English Lab
Digital Teacher English Language Lab not only enhances vocabulary but also focuses on the finer shades of language. English Language Lab focuses on many areas such as pace of speech, MTI, vocabulary, grammar, phonetics, intonation, and pronunciation which will make you an expert and build your confidence.
Digital Language Lab Software Phonetics Infographics
Phonetic, Topics covered under the A1 level are: Introduction to phonetics, phonetic table and its usage. Basic consonant…
Digital Teacher English Language Lab Speaking Software Infographics
Importance of Speaking in English Language Lab: When? English language lab Speaking software used! Take every opportunity to…
Basics Of Grammar English Language Lab Software Screens
Basics of Grammar Basics of grammar refreshes your memory related to grammar skills. It’s recommended to go through…
Digital Language Lab / English Language Lab Technical Specifications
Detailed coverage on phonetics : Language lab should focus on : a. Fluency: To improve fluency Audio/Visual applications…